


Gracefully Broken-How the effects of an absent parent can lead to emotional freedom, healing, and authentic relationships are about going through the uncomfortable journey of your painful past in order to heal and become free from the past experiences that are holding you back from becoming your true authentic self. In this book, I share my personal story with you about how dealing with the absence of my biological mother and experiencing in-family adoption emotionally caused me to shut down at some point in my life.

If you are stuck and carrying that “child-like” spirit inside of you that is keeping you from living the life that God has for you, this book is for you.

“Set It Free, Don’t Keep It In Your Heart. Keep It In Your Past.”


We all have a mess of some sort or even past experiences that we would rather make go away at the snap of a finger. In that, there is something there that is meant to push us and help us grow and blossom into becoming the best version of ourselves. Our experiences the good, the bad and the ugly adds character and gives us the strength to endure for the next person if you let it. At times we feel we have it all together or may even feel they are on the right path in life that they desire, no worries at all. Emotionally how do you feel? Do you feel free or trapped in what happened to you? We are human and relationships are a natural thing rather it be intimate, family, etc. We oftentimes look at what we want for ourselves externally but internally are you emotionally free and healed from the deep scars that continuously are tugging at you? I challenge you to do the work, get to the core, and go through the process of freeing yourself inside out.